Thursday, April 21, 2011

Food Chain

This image was also created last term. It represents food chain.

Spongee Tsunami

This image was created last term, but it fit perfectly with the disaster theme that I am working on this term, so I decided to mix it in.

New Castle Beer

I forgot to take off the back label. I thought this bottle had a wrap around label until I broke down my set. Reshoot!!!

Guinness Beer

Shot a bottle of Guinness Beer.
I am going to add foam to the bottle later.

Nails(Man Made Missile)

Abstract shot of nails representing man made weapons.

Acid Rain

My interpretation of acid rain using white paint.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Next Product Shoot Beer.

I want to shoot a Beer bottles with white smokes coming out.
My inspiration is an image by Michael Kenna.

Project Inspirations: Acid Rain

I am thinking of using paint to illustrate acid rain

Beer Shoot

Rough Retouching.
My attempt to shoot a slick beer bottle.

Garmin Watch

Interesting watch with built in GPS.

Personal Project: Drought

Personal Project

Personal Project: Fire

Part of my personal project

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Personal Project Progress

Purchased bunch of matches with red tips. I am going to attempt to illustrate a volcano with those matches.

My Next Shoot: Beer

Looking to shoot a beer bottle. Still deciding which brand to shoot.

Absolut Vodka Shoot

I wanted to create a graphic looking image using a shadow.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Headphone Shoot

Finally done shooting this headphone.
Not Final Retouching.


Inspiration for project

Project inspirations continued

Drought. Still trying to figure out how to interpret in my own aesthetics.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Project Inspirations

Volcano Eruptions will be my next theme for the project.

Project Progress 3rd image

My interpretation of earth quake scene.

HyperFuse Hollywood

Pretty happy with the result.
Rough Retouching.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lighting Variation

Shiny Black Headphones are hard to shoot.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My next shoot (Hyperfuse hollywood)

I liked the textures and patterns on these shoes, and I am researching references to figure out what I want to do with these. Any ideas?

Abstract Still Life

Abstract still life images using three rolls of tapes.
I was trying to create a landscape using highlights and shadows.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Project Progress 2nd image

Second image of my project.

Project inspiration

Earth quake will be my next theme for my project. I am thinking of using layers of papers or sheets of metal to recreate the scene in my own ways.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another Inspirational Photographer

I find his work very clever.
He often brings totally different context to an object, and I admire his creativity.
And he has been a good source of inspiration for my work.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Project Progress

Beginning of Multimedia Project.
End of world.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trial and Error

I have already failed my first attempt of creating an interesting image using this headphone.
This is my second try, and it still is not good enough to be in my portfolio. I am going to give it another try before I give up, and move on to something else.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Project Inspirations

Reference images for my still life project. I am going to create images based on the idea that end of time near us. I am still trying to figure out how to recreate these scenes with my personal pov.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My inspiration: Paul Outerbridge

Paul Outerbridge is my favorite photographer, and I often get inspirations from his work.
I fell in love with his work when I saw his images at Getty museum couple years ago, and I was amazed by his sense of design and composition.
The thing I love the most about his work is the fact that he turned his commercial vision into an art form.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Irving Penne Still Life (My Inspiration)

These are going to be the inspirations for my still life shoot.
I am looking to shoot an object with lots of textures and character.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Working Photographer2 Blog Page

Learn about self-promotion through building online presence.

Many helpful tips are available.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Work in Progress

Took long time to photograph, and it required 6 heads.

Monday, January 31, 2011

My Next Subject

This is one expensive Headphone.
I hope this looks good in my book.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Incorporating Water Splash into my work.

For my product portfolio, I was looking for a interesting way to photograph an electric shaver. I first shot the shaver by itself on a black background, but I wasn't too happy with it, because I felt that the image lacked impact, so I decide to incorporate a splash into my image. After pretty much flooding the photo stage with water, this was the best splash I got. I am not too happy with it, because I feel that splash is competing with the shaver. I am going to give it another shot next week, and hopefully all this hard work will payoff.